Home » The Best Easy 79 Strawberry Drawing Prompts

The Best Easy 79 Strawberry Drawing Prompts

We’re all live laugh inhaling strawberry themed posts on our social media. It’s adorable & it demands to be drawn. But what should you draw? Everything on this list of 79 Strawberry Drawing Prompts!

So let’s get started!

The Strawberry Drawing Prompts List

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But before we start, snag the free printable of all of these Strawberry Drawing Prompts! Trust me, 79 Strawberry drawing ideas is a lot to keep track of so you’ll want a little pocket PDF.

But I put my back and soul into this post so please read <3.

Strawberry Drawing Prompts: beautiful strawberry drawing ideas

Funny Strawberry Drawing Prompts

1. A Raging Strawberry

So picture this: You’re tralala-ing through a field of strawberries. The air is clean, your mind is refreshed, and you feel at peace.

Then something grabs your foot and before you can look down, you feel the sharp pain of teeth sinking into the flesh of your ankle.

It’s a strawberry, enraged that you stepped on one of its leaves.

Draw the scene, your shock, or an angry strawberry against a plain background.

2. A Strawberry Chasing You

It’s bedtime. You close your eyes, exhausted after a long day of fun (or misery, who’s to say), and are quickly lulled to sleep.

As you calmly descend into slumber, you hear loud thuds against the ground. Alarmed, you open your eyes (in your dream). When you do, you see a massive strawberry Olympic sprinting towards you with murder in its eyes.

Now you’re running with tears streaming down your cheeks at the injustice of a self-induced tormenting dream.

So how would you draw it?

3. Animal Crossing: Strawberry-Themed

Animal Crossing is the epitome of aesthetic game scenery. So why not make your own Animal Crossing-inspired strawberry scene?

You can draw your character or favorite villager in a strawberry costume, or even a special strawberry-picking competition!

P.S. Here are some super easy & cute strawberry drawing tutorials that’ll help your 🍓 Season pop off like it should:

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4. A K-Pop Strawberry Concert

So one day, you & your friends are feeling silly, goofy, and attend your favorite idol’s concert.

But when you arrive, your bias is a handsome/pretty strawberry??

Draw the strawberry idol, you manifesting their return to human form, or anything else that comes to mind!

5. A Strawberry on Transit

So in another world, even strawberries have places to be. This strawberry is on the express train to daycare.

He’s running late, his baby is crying, and other strawberries are side-eying him aggressively for the noise. It’s a crisis, and the strawberry father has given up.

So draw his soul leaving his body from the stress, the train scene, or the baby having the time of their lives.

Read More🐇: How to Draw Strawberry Jam Step-by-Step The Best 🎀✨

6. A Strawberry in Baking Peril

Now, someone’s grandma is hard at work baking strawberry pies to send off to her family. Our strawberry main character was initially excited. After all, they were finally fulfilling their life purpose — to be eaten.

So they sit in the grocery crate eagerly anticipating their role. But when they see the remnants of Steve, their best strawberry friend, they see the pie for what it really is — strawberry murder.

Now they’re scared and desperately trying to escape but granny’s coming for them next. Draw granny menacingly approaching, strawberry’s emotions, or Steve as a pie.

7. A Strawberry’s 1st Day of School

So a certain strawberry is finally old enough to go to school. They’re prepped and ready. The strawberry kid is gripping his backpack handles anxiously and staring at the school entrance.

He sees all the other strawberry kids gleefully playing in the yard. Yet held paralyzed in place. The young strawberry has first day anxiety.

So draw him with his backpack, the playground scene, or his parents behind a tree waiting for him to gather some courage!

8. A Strawberry Box at the Supermarket

So a strawberry family is buzzing in their grocery crate. Since they’ve been displaced from their plant, they’re feeling their vitality fade by the day.

It’s time they escape and return to their plant home.

So they line themselves up in soldier uniforms and break free from their crate prison secretly in the dark. Will the night end in turmoil?

Draw the strawberry soldier lineup, their escape from the crate, or them sneaking out the store.

9. Strawberry-Themed Barbie

Since it’s Barbie’s era, why not take a little Inspo and draw a Barbie strawberry? You can draw them as a product in the box, as Ryan Gosling Ken, or Margot Robbie.

Now it may not be strawberry Barbie, but these drawing tutorials are equally as strawberry slay and aesthetic!

10. A Strawberry Army

So the strawberries and the raspberries are at war. Only one of them can be the best red berry and so they must fight to the death for the honor.

Draw the battlefield, deserter berry soldiers, or the end result of the battle!

11. A Royal Strawberry

So, in another world, the royal ruler is actually a chunky strawberry.

His attendants delicately add golden flakes to his visage and he’s every bit prim and proper that a royal should be. But at the expense of his excessive luxury, his strawberry people starve.

He tells them to eat cake.

Draw him on top his throne, the attendant trembling while adding his golden flakes, or the people coming for his neck in the end.

Cool Strawberry Drawing Prompts

12. A Strawberry Chef

One strawberry has always dreamed of a chef. He’s honed his skills over his lifetime, fit to be a Michelin star chef.

Yet he has one secret.

He’s not the one manning the chef ship. Instead, a baby frog behind his ear tells him everything he needs to do.

Draw them cooking together, the frog & strawberry alliance formation, or a restaurant scene.

13. A Tired Strawberry Businessman

Unfortunately, not even strawberries are exempt from the corporate slave life.

One strawberry in particular is a tired, deadpan businessman. But he doesn’t know that he has a fanbase of his coworker strawberries that are obsessed with his dark circle slay.

So draw a strawberry in a suit slumped against a bench and the fanbase lurking behind a tree or whatever else comes to mind!

14. Come Home, The Kids Miss their Strawberry Father

Another day, another milk run. Yet this is the one strawberry father won’t come back from.

Draw the kids crying, their parent hunting down the absentee father, or a party with the banner, “Come Home, the Kids Miss You”.

15. A Strawberry Painter

So this is a strawberry painting a canvas. That’s it. That’s the prompt.

16. A Crocheting Strawberry

So one day, a crate of strawberries enter their new home. Upon entering, they notice their owner is an avid crocheter and some feel a spark for fabric arts.

So when the clock finally turns to 12am, their owner goes to sleep. They buzz excitedly in the fridge and wait for the soft sound of their owner’s snores. Then, they sprout limbs and go make their own crochet crafts.

Draw them racing to the crochet needles, their owner’s confusion at the mysterious new crafts, or the theft of the strawberries’ artistic designs!

17. A Strawberry Embroidering Itself

So some strawberries aren’t organic and compostable. Instead, they’re born of fabric and they must embroider themselves into existence.

Draw this in your style.

18. A Shy Strawberry in a Shared Bathhouse

So the strawberries are steaming it up in the bathhouse. Everyone’s relaxed, at ease, and live laugh bathing.

But one strawberry is huddled in the corner, embarrassed and shaking.

Draw the strawberry’s anxiety or the scene itself.

Strawberry Drawing Ideas Easy and Cute

19. A Strawberry in Love

So our strawberry protagonist is bored. They’re apathetic to love and haven’t been interested in dating other strawberries for years.

However, one day, they look up and meet eyes with with a lemon that just glows differently. It’s the love of strawberry’s life and they’ll do anything to get lemon’s attention.

Will lemon be receptive to strawberry’s star crossed love? Draw what you think will happen. This could be a fun but cute comic or animation as well.

20. A Strawberry Self-Glazing

Some people wear makeup or body glitter when they wanna pop off. But this strawberry is pulling out the melted sugar. It’s time for a self glaze and an unmatched glow.

Draw strawberry meticulously glazing itself or other strawberries on the street being blinded by the glow.

21. A Strawberry Rave

So all of strawberry’s friends are super excited to go raving this summer. But she’s a little unsure. She’s never raved before and she’s anxious she’ll have to spend the whole time taking care of her friends.

Draw what you think will happen!

22. The Daughter In Law Payoff K-Drama Scene as 🍓

So your mother in law thinks you’re not good enough for her son. She calls you to have a meal outside and pay you a ton of money to never see her son.

But she’s somehow turned into a strawberry. Draw the scene.

Read More🐇: How to Draw a Strawberry Cake Pop Step-by-Step The Best 🎀✨

23. Cowboy Strawberries

Then, here we have a classic that’ll always hit: A cowboy strawberry. I’ll let your imagination run wild.

24. A Cat in a Strawberry Costume

So a special cat is a businesswoman by day and a strawberry costume stand-in by night. She’s a proud cat but she’ll do what it takes for her vacation money.

25. A Strawberry Cat

Poof! Your cat has magically turned into a strawberry version of themselves.

They have pink (or red) yellow dotted fur, vines sprouting from their paws, and leaves growing atop their head. So draw this in your style.

26. A Strawberry Farm: Waiting to be Picked

So before you, there’s a vast field of strawberries. There’s plots of unearthed dirt from which several strawberry plants are sprouting.

But among them is one strawberry that’s done their best to blossom into a juicy red fruit fit for you picking.

He’s shaking the whole tree with glee and anticipation but will you pick him? Draw what comes to mind.

27. A Strawberry House

So you wake up peacefully to the scent of strawberries and a mild earth accent. You slowly open your eyes, interested in where the pleasant smell is coming from.

But when you look around, you notice your white walls have been replaced with a red bulbous interior that has an organic touch. When you step down from your bed, the ground pulses with life below your feet.

Draw what you think this looks like!

28. The Strawberry that Stole Christmas

Oh no, somebody got their story wrong and the Grinch is actually a cute and cuddly strawberry! He still wants to steal Christmas and he still has unresolved childhood trauma.

Read More🐇: How to Draw Strawberry Tanghulu Step-by-Step The Best 🎀✨

29. A Sanrio Strawberry

So I’m not sure about you but the chokehold Sanrio has on me is ungodly. If you feel similarly, you may like drawing your favorite Sanrio character in a strawberry costume or character design!

30. A Strawberry Postcard

So why not take this time to make a cute strawberry-themed postcard! I personally ate up this strawberry cult version @Paloma The Peach did. But you can also turn any of these other ideas into a print as well.

31. Strawberry Wallpapers

So for a relaxing, mindless change-of-pace, try painting a bunch of strawberries against a plain background. But if that’s not your pie, here are some other strawberry wallpaper ideas:

P.S. A brief intermission to serve you some more drawing tutorials to get you started on your strawberry escapades <3:

Strawberry Drawing Prompts: Drawn Strawberry Card Drawing Ideas

Beautiful Strawberry Drawing Prompts

32. A Strawberry Picnic

So it’s sunny outside, the birds are chirping, and so your friend group has decided to go on a picnic. You’ve laid out a gingham blanket & your friends are distributing all the strawberry sandwiches and desserts.

As everyone starts digging in, you can almost hear what sounds like a scream?

Alarmed, you look around until your eyes land on the terrified strawberry inches away from a homie’s chompers. Worse, the sentient strawberry has locked eyes with you and whispers a faint plea.

Will you save him or remain complicit in strawberry murder? Draw the scene.

33. Strawberry Shortcake Candy Land

I know you guys have been looking at me sideways waiting for the Strawberry Shortcake moment so here she is✨

For this prompt, I think it’d be cute to draw or animate Shortcake jumping from one strawberry to the next within a strawberry wonderland.

You can also get crazy and draw in RPG elements for a game-core look.

34. Strawberry Shaved Ice Screaming as it Melts

So if you were over the strawberry terror, this isn’t the prompt for you.

It’s a hot summer day and you’re in desperate need of some strawberry shaved ice. But this is a magic cafe specialized in shaved ice that screams while it melts.

Unfortunately for the shaved ice, you spent your last few dollars on it and can’t take the heat any longer. Draw the shaved ice’s existential crisis, your unphased reaction, or the horror of the other shaved ices.

Strawberry Drawing Prompts: good strawberry drawing ideas

Strawberry Drawing Ideas for Adults

35. Strawberry Tanghulu

So you’re walking down the street with vendors flanking you on either side. They call out to you, hoping to tempt you to buy their stock but all you can focus on is the fresh scent of strawberry tanghulu.

Draw you sniffing out the tanghulu dog-core, biting into it, or the street vendor scene. P.S. I have a strawberry tanghulu drawing tutorial to jumpstart you here!

36. Strawberry Wine

So no thoughts, just strawberry wine.

37. Strawberry Juice

But you could also draw you and your partner under a mistletoe or you and yourself because self-love is super important and slay.

40. A Rabid Strawberry

A random girly is feeling the food prep jitters and decides to make strawberry sandwiches for her and her neighbors. But after making them, one strawberry in particular is acting up.

In fact, it’s rabid and coming for everyone’s necks.

Read More🐇: How to Draw a Strawberry Crepe The Best🎀✨

38. Your Pet Stuck in a Strawberry

So you scrolled too long on TikTok and ascended into fruit hat heaven for your pets. Today’s victim is your cat and the offender is a strawberry jam toast headpiece.

Draw your cat on the model runway stuck in the toast headpiece, them aggressively trying to take it off, or you evilly stepping towards it with the strawberry or toast hat in hand.

39. Strawberry Fantasy Armor

So if you have an OC especially in the gaming or fantasy niche, you may enjoy this twist on your typical armor and weapons.

But I also think it’d be cute & funny to have a small nugget in strawberry armor as well.

41. A Strawberry Popsicle

So you’ve visited an ice cream parlor or convenience store selling cute cat-themed strawberry popsicles that suspiciously look exactly like this.

Draw a convenience store mukbang, you pressed against the freezer glass to get the popsicle, or simply the popsicle itself.

Easy Strawberry Drawing Prompts

42. A Strawberry Sandwich

So a strawberry sandwich drawing is super easy and very classic. But here are some other ideas:

43. Strawberry Cat Stuck in a Bread Slice

So you want to draw something easy & quick. A cat stuck in a bread slice drawing is a must.

But if you’re feeling a little extra and want to mix it up, try:

44. Strawberry Milk Boba

So the call of boba is ricocheting in your mind and you need to draw it now. Here’s how you can draw this prompt as a:

45. Strawberry Yakult

So a single strawberry yakult rises above the rest as the #1 ranked taste. They’re a celebrity and they’re thriving off the fame.

Draw a yakult as a celebrity lounging in their pool filled with money, debuting their new album, or whatever else comes to mind!

But you can just draw a strawberry yakult like I did here.

Coming up with ideas in your strawberry fervor is truly brutal. So just follow these tutorials instead <3

46. Strawberry Cakes

Every season is cake season and not even strawberries are safe from this frenzy. So why not give in and try drawing your favorite animal eating a strawberry cake?

But you can also draw:

47. Strawberry Cupcakes

A certain strawberry’s job is “beach”. It’s all he knows and it’s his righteous duty to surf the waves. But the waves are just frosting and his beach is simply a cupcake.

Draw the strawberry with a Ken haircut, surfing the frosting, or holding his surfboard.

48. Strawberry Mochi

So drawing a strawberry mochi is also super easy. It’s a two circles and some other simple shapes at a minimum.

But if you want to impress your fans (your family or whoever else you show this to), try drawing this easy strawberry mochi step-by-step!

49. Strawberry Soda

Pop pop soda✨ A special strawberry cat has been hired for a soda advertisement and it’s his time to shine.

So draw the strawberry cat posing for the ad with the soda or draw him on the soda label.

50. Strawberry Milk

Oh no, your cat has been magically transformed into strawberry milk because it got on your witch neighbor’s bad side.

But strawberry milk is your favorite and it looks extra enticing in your fridge. Will you realise it’s your cat before it’s too late?

Draw your cat cursing at you as a milk bottle, beefing with the witch, or being turned into a milk carton.

Strawberry Drawing Ideas for Beginners

51. Strawberry Donuts

A cute donut is being glazed with strawberries and handed off to a small child absolutely going feral for this donut. It’s a heartwarming event. Draw the scene.

52. Strawberry Milkshakes

So it’s a Riverdale diner scene before things went crazy.

They’re serving strawberry milkshakes and you’ve waited your life for this first sip. Draw the flavors melting on your tongue.

Or just a simple strawberry milkshake drawing. Who am I to dictate your creative flow?

53. Strawberry Ice Cream

So you’ve been craving a soft serve moment for eons and conveniently, you happen upon an ice cream store.

You make it to the soft serve machine and start crafting the perfect cone. But :O, it’s been dispensed as 2 cat-shaped ice cream scoops!

Draw your special cone or your reaction.

Read More🐇: How to Draw a Glass of 🍓 Milk (Cute & Easy) Step-by-Step

54. Strawberry Yogurt Cups

Oh no, puppy cat is absolutely guzzling down strawberry yogurt cups and now he has a stomachache. Draw you running after him to stop his yogurt frenzy, the secret yogurt stash, or him mid tummy ache.

P.S. Here’s an easy yogurt cup drawing tutorial to get you started!🎀

55. Strawberry Lemonade

So your sibling fell into a YouTube deep dive and now fancies themselves, a ✨barista/bartender✨ Now it’s up to you to play judge & make or break their dreams. What will you do?

Draw your sibling shaking the strawberry lemonade cocktail to the gods or the judging verdict.

56. A Strawberry Basket

So little red riding hood has her strawberry basket gripped and ready to take out the wolves tormenting her grandma. It’s her revenge story. Draw the action, a story panel, or comic strip.

And you know, if you need a little virtual comforting presence, here’s this strawberry basket drawing tutorial I made🐇

57. Strawberry Macarons

So you’ve lost it. You’ve accepted your fate. You’re now a gambler dealing with blind boxes.

But unlike most, Sonny Angels hasn’t chokeheld your wallet. No, for you, it’s a strawberry bunny series and you’ve been desperately searching for the strawberry macaron bunny. And you won’t stop until you get it.

Draw the desperation, the collapse to the ground after your 10th fail, or whatever else you’d like.

58. Strawberry Pocky

So a miniature cat has gotten into your Pocky box and is munching on all your snacks :O! It’s a tragedy and a sin that not even cuteness can override.

Draw what you think happens. Or you can draw the cat poking out the pocky box.

59. Strawberry Jam

Strawberry cat has refined tastes. He shall not settle for cheap jam. So he’s taken you in as his jam-making disciple because you’re particularly bad at it and it hurts his soul.

But you can also draw a simple strawberry jam like I did here.

60. A Coquette Strawberry (Outfit)

So drawing a coquette bow can be super easy but also have its own fancy pizazz. It’ll give your strawberry the extra Lana Del Ray slay it’s always been missing.

So here are some more easy strawberry drawing tutorials perfect for the fruit madness <3:

Strawberry Drawing Prompts: Strawberry art ideas for 3-year-olds

Strawberry Drawing Ideas for Primary School

61. A Strawberry Bowl

So get the kids to draw a still-life bowl of strawberries or draw a design along the circumference and the interior of a bowl.

But to save money, you can either ask them to bring an old bowl from home or do a quick trip to the dollar store. It’s also a cool idea to DIY air dry clay, have them make the bowl then paint it later.

62. A Strawberry Dipped in Chocolate

So you can get the students to draw chocolate dipped strawberries and make a garland out of it at the end.

You can even give prizes to the top 3 best drawings for even more fun.

63. A Strawberry Playing Murder Mystery

So Sherlock has been dethroned by detective strawberry. He and his team are on the case and they’re chomping at the bit to discover who did it.

It’s a murder mystery game but draw you and your friends as strawberries to commemorate the memory!

64. A Strawberry in Grief at an Orchard

So a father of 5 watched each of his children get picked by some grubby people’s hands at the orchard.

It’s a heartwarming moment for some — the families that went orchard picking. However, the strawberry father is devastated at the loss of his.

Draw the separation, the grieving strawberry, or the cute kids happy at the orchard.

65. A Strawberry Grocery-Shopping

So one strawberry is on the prowl. They’ve been waiting for this moment all week and it’s game time.

In fact, it’s a clearance sale at the local grocery store or farmer’s market.

Draw the strawberry elbowing or suplexing others out of the way to get the best deals!

66. Your Favorite Game Character as a Strawberry

So primary school kids are bound to be game fanatics. It’s in their blood and cohort characteristics.

So let them draw their favorite Animal Crossing villager, Valorant main, or whatever else they’re obsessed with.

Read More🐇: How to Draw a Strawberry Popsicle Step-by-Step 🍦🎀

67. A Strawberry Plushie

So there are a ton of cute strawberry plushies online but why not get the kids to design their own? You can take them through a manufacturing guide as a quick introduction to a small art business adventure.

68. A Strawberry-Themed Room

So everyone is truly in a chokehold over aesthetic room decor including those primary school kids. Let them draw their ideal room or a strawberry-themed one.

They say that one’s space has a serious impact on their mental health & productivity so a little nudge in the right direction definitely can’t hurt✨

69. Strawberry as a Couch Potato

So in a Toy Story era, your plushies come alive at night.

This includes your strawberry plushie. But unlike other plushies, this one doesn’t bounce on the walls, excited they can move. Instead, it just melts progressively further into the couch while watching shows.

Draw the strawberry drooling on your couch or the other hyperactive plushies in the background.

70. A Strawberry-Themed Coloring Page

So if you want to be a little artsy but you need to ease into it, a coloring page is the perfect start to your strawberry drawing era!

But you can also make a coloring page yourself.

It’d be super cute to personalize this to your loved ones too based on your memories together or their favorite things so they can reminisce on them as they color the pages <3.

71. A Strawberry Plant Pot

So this is another drawing activity where you can get the kids to draw strawberry plant pot for prizes or bonus marks!

You can even make it a prequel to a lego building competition.

Read More🐇: How to Draw a Strawberry Smoothie (Funny but Cute & Easy!) 🎀✨

More (Feral) Funny Strawberry Art Prompts

72. Gym Strawberry Thirst Trap

So it’s late at night.

You keep hearing weird sounds so you hide behind the couch at midnight, expecting to see a cute house elf and instead, you get gym bro strawberry chugging protein powder.

Draw your reaction, the scene, or gym strawberry himself.

73. A Strawberry Fighting Demons

So things have gotten out of control in strawberry land. King Strawberry is a tyrant and he’s overstepped his bounds with the other fruit rulers.

So he sends his strawberry knights but it’s time they demand fair pay and employee benefits.

How would you draw that?

74. A Strawberry Bridezilla

So every 20 years, the Christmas gnomes need to collect a bride for their village.

They set their sights on their bride (victim) and successfully attained (kidnapped) her. But her brother won’t let that happen.

Draw the kidnapping, the fight with the brother, or just straight-up draw strawberry Gravity Falls <3.

75. Muscle Mom Strawberry

So miss strawberry is actually a buff girlypop with a huge TikTok following from her gym clips and thirst traps.

Draw her livestreams, Thirst traps, her partner in the background, or just a portrait of her.

Although it’s not Muscle Mom 🍓, I hope these tutorials still satisfy your strawberry drawing cravings:

76. Strawberry Rizz

So miss strawberry is actually a rizzler. Draw you or your OC getting rizzed up by her and post it on TikTok because those are your people.

77. A Strawberry but Make it a Baddie

So it’s the most unlikely candidate for a baddie – a literal strawberry.

But she’s an Instagram influencer and gets paid for her fashion and beauty content. Draw whatever comes to mind!

78. A Tootin’ Strawberry

So a strawberry farts in private. Or so he thought because you’re actually there drawing the whole thing.

79. An Incognito Thug Strawberry

So our strawberry protagonist is a con man. He was blessed with naturally cute and innocent looks that he takes full advantage of.

He has a nasty personality but he keeps a facade as a sweet and cute strawberry that can do no wrong.

But one day, his farce is exposed and he has to keep their mouth shut. Draw whatever comes to mind!

The Strawberry Drawing Prompts Freebie

Yay, congrats on making it this far! If you’re feeling a little extra slay, comment 🐇 because that’s a feat. You really did that🎀

But that aside, this is your last chance to snag this free pocket PDF so get to grabbing and snagging!

So thank you so much for reading! I’m truly honored you came & I hope you stick around for everything else xoxo <3.

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Strawberry Drawing Prompts

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