Home » Shh! Don’t Tell Anyone this Hack to Draw a Mochi Donut

Shh! Don’t Tell Anyone this Hack to Draw a Mochi Donut

Let me cut to it & let’s learn how to draw a mochi donut easy together xoxo.


What You’ll Need to Draw Strawberry Mochi Donut

I’m not going to gatekeep drawing so you are absolutely welcome to just use what you have to draw with me <3. That includes:

But I will be drawing it digitally on my tablet using the most affordable software I know, Clip Studio Paint.

I got it because I loved that you get access to a continuously-updated vault of free natural brushes and other materials made by pros to speed up & elevate your drawing process, perfect for beginners.

And you get all of that for a lifetime just by paying once (gasp)! Trust me, those monthly membership fees add up and I want you to be happily creating cute art without breaking the bank💵🚫.

But anyways, choose your non-lethal drawing weapon and let’s get started!

How to Draw Strawberry Mochi Donut Step-by-Step

1. Draw the Donut Outline

So first, draw a brown circle.


Don’t fight the feeling…drawing you right into these tutorials (sparkle sparkle)

So now, draw a smaller circle in the middle of your 1st circle to create the donut hole.


Then, we need the scalloped edge that all mochi donuts deserve. So, draw a wide ‘c’ curve on the outer circle’s edge.


Read More: 79 Drawing Ideas You Need to Get Creative Now

So from here, we’re just going to make more ‘c’ curves of different sizes along the outer circle’s edge.


Keep going 🧚


So you’re coo coo for drawing tutorials. Well, luckily I’m stocked to supply you ASAP.

Then, let’s finish it so it looks something like this:


How to Draw Strawberry Mochi Donut Cat

But after that, be sure to erase any offensive guidelines (the outer circle) & let’s repeat the process on the inside!


Don’t stop✨


And just like that, we have the outline of our mochi donut🎀🍩


2. Draw the Icing

So now, we’re currently in unfrosted limbo & that’s tragic so start by drawing a ‘u’ curve from the left side of the donut.


Then, get a little wave going.


But also, mirror that wave on the right side.


3. Draw Some Sprinkles & Strawberry Toppings

So next, we need some toppings to truly live laugh & love so draw some ‘n’ curves randomly above the wavy line.


So next, we’re going to make baby’s first strawberry! So, draw an acorn-like top like you see below.


Then, draw on your kindergarten memories to draw a looped line to finish the strawberry leaves.


400 Usernames You Need to Solidify Your Brand Now

The other strawberries were getting jealous so go ahead & draw tops for each ‘n’ shape you have on your page.


But right now, we have them free-floating & we can’t have that so draw a wavy line over part of the strawberry top to embed it in the icing.


Then, repeat that for all of the other strawberries so they don’t feel left out.


So next, it’s time for our sprinkles to make their grand appearance! So, draw a rice grain-like shape at the top of your donut for your 1st sprinkle.


Then, keep the rice grain train flowing with a ton of different sizes.


Now, you’ll notice the lower half of the donut is looking bare so draw a caterpillar eye off-center.


Then, finish your cutie donut’s face like so:


So then, I need it to be a cat moment so I drew 2 small ‘^’ shapes where you spy with your little eye below:


Then, draw a bordering ‘^’.


Finally, for our sketch, draw a scalloped edge to make his ears strawberry-core!


How to Color the Drawing Donut Cat

So first, color the bottom half of your donut beige/cream.


Then, color the icing pink since it’s strawberry flavored.


Oh me oh my, look at how these randomly dropped here just in time for you to see. Maybe it’s meant to be ahaha.

Then, color the strawberries red. Truly, an unpredictable plot twist.


But also, color the strawberry tops green.


Then, draw tiny yellow dots on each strawberry so they’re not vulnerable & exposed.


So after that, we need some texture on our donut so draw bundles of 2 or 3 dark beige ovals on the lower half of the donut.


Then, it’s batman shadow time! So, open a Multiply layer in CSP & airbrush beige along the bottom of the donut.


But also, repeat that along the inner beige edge.

How to Draw Strawberry Mochi Donut


Then, belatedly, color the sprinkles beige too.


How to Draw an Apple in Only 3 Minutes🍎👩‍🎨

So now, shade along the wavy line beige as well so no beige soldier gets left behind.


Then, airbrush a slight beige shadow on the outer side of each ear.


So now, our frosting is side-eying us for leaving it without a shadow moment.

So, airbrush pink in a Multiply layer in CSP along the outer edges of the upper half of the donut.


Then, give it some texture by drawing squiggles in the frosting of a new layer & lower the opacity of that layer.


So next, draw a red diagonally swooping line in each strawberry & color it in red.


Then, it’s time to lightly burn our retinas with the donut’s ✨glow✨.

So, take a medium airbrush & color pink in a Screen layer in CSP then lower the layer’s opacity to get something like this:


Then, in a new layer, draw a white line using your pen tool on the inner side of each cat ear.


But also, the strawberries are about to riot without their glossy shine so draw a white line on them too.


Then that’s it!

Helpful Drawing Resources to Draw Cute Food

So a quick disclaimer that I’m not affiliated with any of these course creators or Skillshare. But I did think you might find it useful so I linked it below <3.

They’re both beginner-friendly & free if you use Skillshare’s 1-month trial!

Mr. Mocha Bon’s Free Gift Bag <3

So that’s the end of Professor Bon Bon’s lesson for today! But before you leave, don’t forget to take your free goodie bag (full of homework :)).

It’s a birthday cake colouring sheet of a cute cat celebrating their birthday! So snag it below completely free <3.

The Free Birthday Cake Color Pages

P.S. thank you for being here! Definitely stick around for free drawing tutorials, birthday cake color pages, and much more <3.

How to Draw Strawberry Mochi Donut Cat

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