Home » The Essential Method to Draw a Strawberry Parfait

The Essential Method to Draw a Strawberry Parfait

It’s your cafe era & maybe that means it’s time to draw a strawberry parfait easy. So let’s get you that parfait glass drawing in under 6 minutes!

Mr. Bon’s How to Draw a Strawberry Parfait

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But first, here’s one of the free cake coloring pages printable of a cute cat! So snag it below completely free <3.

What You’ll Need to Draw a Strawberry Parfait

I’m not going to gatekeep drawing so you are absolutely welcome to just use what you have to draw with me <3. That includes:

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But I will be drawing it digitally on my tablet using the most affordable software I know, Clip Studio Paint.

I got it because I loved that you get access to a continuously-updated vault of free natural brushes and other materials made by pros to speed up & elevate your drawing process, perfect for beginners.

And you get all of that for a lifetime just by paying once (gasp)! Trust me, those monthly membership fees add up and I want you to be happily creating cute art without breaking the bank💵🚫.

But anyways, choose your non-lethal drawing weapon and let’s get started!

How to Draw a Strawberry Parfait Step-by-Step

1. Draw the Parfait Cup

So first, draw a curved brown line at the bottom of your page.

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So P.S. here are some other cake drawing tutorials you may find helpful!

So now, draw upwards on both sides of the line to form a ‘U’ shape. Then, start drawing another ‘U’ inside to form a border.

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So it should look something like this!✨ Our cup does look a little janky but that’s totally okay. If your perfectionist brain is revolting against it, then just treat this as a draft you can fix up later🐇🎀

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How to Draw a Strawberry Parfait

Then we need to add the cup opening or top. So draw a literal oval.

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Then add another oval inside. It doesn’t have to perfectly match up because we’ll erase most of this later anyways❤️

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P.S. Here are some other super easy cake drawing tutorials you may find helpful!

2. Draw the Cream

So now, onto the fun part, the cat foam! Draw some curves joined together around the front and sides of your oval guide.

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How to Draw a Strawberry Parfait Cat

3. Draw the Cat Features

Then draw some more curves of varying sizes to form a triangular shape. This will be the cat’s foam tail!

…It turns out I just threw you guys in the deep-end and did it all in this step. So while you’re at it, draw some cat ears, eyes, and an upside down ‘v’-shaped mouth.

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So next, draw 2 small lines on either side for whiskers.

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4. Draw the Parfait Divisions

Then draw a wavy line and add an icicle-like drip so it’s an additional slay to your parfait.

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So after that, draw 2 more wavy lines with less curvature. What is a parfait without sections? Let’s prevent your hypothetical customers from raging🐇🎀

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5. Draw the Strawberries and Garnish

But now, it’s time to bless our parfait with its first strawberry touch :O🍓. So draw 3 rock shapes with the wavy line running through its middle (as a guide hehe✨).

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Then erase the lines inside the strawberries since they’re ruining the vibes now. But also, draw two leaf shapes in the top left of your drawing by the cat foam.

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So then, draw a dome shape beside the leaves for our 2nd strawberry edition. It is a ✨garnish✨

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So next, what’s different about this and the last picture? Let’s play spot the addition. In my eyes, it’s the lines along the foam! This will help make our foam extra cute and zazzy.

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So now, here’s an easy way to make your drawing extra without adding a full background.

I just added strawberries and cream foam flying off the sides so you can copy that too or we can just move on like nothing happened.

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How to Color the Parfait Line Drawing

1. Color the Parfait Cake, Garnish, and Jam

So now, color the middle section a light red/pink color. That’ll be where we have strawberry jam or syrup.

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How to Draw a Strawberry Lemonade juice drawing

Then, color the strawberries red…except for the flying one. She must not have red berry rights yet.

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So then, color the sections above and below the strawberries pale yellow. That’s the cake girlies et al🐇🎀

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Then, color the dripping yogurt light pink. We want it a different shade from the jam so the people know we’re serving variety✨

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2. Color the Yogurt and Cream

But we can’t leave our cat foam in its uggo (uncolored) state. So color it the same light pink shade as the yogurt dripping.

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Then, color the eyes and the leaves an olive-green color. If you’re confused about why his eyes are drawn like that, it’s because it speaks to me you haven’t unlocked Strawbaby Cat lore.

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Then, color the glass light blue.

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3. Color the Strawberry Seeds & Slices

So now, it’s time to give our parfait strawberries a touch of slay. They were in fact sliced strawberries in disguise :O (gasp x3).

So using a light pink, draw a spiky border in the middle of each strawberry and color that space in. But also, erase a small oval shape in the center to mimic a real strawberry (Pinocchio moment).

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The full strawberry deserves her moment too so draw some white or light pink dots on top of the red. Even strawberry garnishes deserve seeds.

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But also, draw dark green branching lines for the veins of the leaf so it’s in its prime health.

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Then, draw ovals randomly in the yellow sponge cake for some texture in a slightly darker yellow. We don’t want to be punched in the face with texture so it’s just slight.

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4. Add Slay Shadows

So now, :O it’s time for shadows! In a multiply layer, follow the curves of the yogurt drips in yellow along the cake just below it. That’s the small shadow the yogurt is casting on the cake.

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Then, color the jam with slightly darker flecks, similar to the cake texture so it has the illusion of fruit chunks or bits.

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Now, shade along the lines of the foam and inside the cat’s ears.

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Then, use the same pink to shade under the curve of the glass and along the drips of the yogurt.

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MR. BON TIP 🐇: Remember that if you’re using a ‘Multiply’ layer, you can use the same shade you originally colored with.

So next, using the same red you colored your strawberry in a multiply layer, color a diagonal shadow across each strawberry.

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Then, repeat that with the garnish leaves.

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So next, shade the glass a darker blue on the right side and bottom.

How to Draw a Strawberry Parfait Cat

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Then, repeat that with the yellow cake.

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5. Airbrush Highlights in a ‘Screen’ Layer

Every cat deserves their own Fenty glitter glow. So in a screen layer, color light pink along the lines and the cat ears opposite to where the shadow is.

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But also, color the left side of the glass a light blue as well.

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How to Draw a Strawberry Lemonade drawing for kids

So next, color a white strip on the left side of your parfait sections inside the cup. Then, color a light glow on top the garnish.

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Then, the flying strawberry has finally unlocked coloring rights. So color it the same red and green as you did the other garnish strawberry.

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Next, add seeds to it just like before🎀.

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So now, color the cream foam a medium pink.

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Then, shade along the edges of the foam balls (yay on making it this far!).

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So now, it’s time for our bestie, the ‘Multiply’ layer again. Shade the strawberry as you did earlier. But also, add highlights in the cream.

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Then that’s it. If you made it this far, congratulations! Strawberry foam cat needed a partner for his parfait making journey and we’re honored to have you as a part of it <3.

But otherwise, please join me for the rest of this post as we have free stuff and helpful resources✨.

Helpful Drawing Resources to Draw Cute Food

So a quick disclaimer that I’m not affiliated with any of these course creators or Skillshare. But I did think you might find it useful so I linked it below <3.

They’re both beginner-friendly & free if you use Skillshare’s 1-month trial!

Mr. Mocha Bon’s Free Gift Bag <3

So that’s the end of Professor Bon Bon’s lesson for today! But before you leave, don’t forget to take your free goodie bag (full of homework :)).

It’s a birthday cake colouring sheet of a cute cat celebrating their birthday! So snag it below completely free <3.

The Free Birthday Cake Color Pages

P.S. thank you for being here! Definitely stick around for free drawing tutorials, birthday cake color pages, and much more <3.

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How to Draw a Strawberry Parfait Cat

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